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— The season is live now

Get Drops for your Decrypt Tokens

Get Decrypt Drops with our app

The decentralized web is evolving at breakneck speed. Every day brings new, exciting developments. But it’s impossible to keep up, let alone make sense of this wild new frontier.

We believe the best way to learn about the revolutionary potential of these new technologies is to experience them first hand.

Introducing Decrypt Drops:

The best way to get your hands on the latest technology and trends in crypto.

What are Drops?

“Drops” are batches of reader rewards—such as NFTs, swag and tickets to events—that we release weekly. Decrypt is partnering with innovative companies who are sponsoring specific Drops during time-limited “seasons.” Readers can amass tokens and qualify for the rewards in Drops by reading and sharing articles and performing other simple tasks. Drops will appear in our Reward store tab in the app, throughout the season.

Check out the Drop schedule
Sample images of potential future Drops

— How does it work?

Redeem reader tokens for Drops



Get the free Decrypt app at the iPhone or Android store.

Get the App



Earn Decrypt Tokens when you read, share and react to stories in our app.



Readers who accumulate enough tokens can exchange them for rewards during weekly Drops.

The first drop season

‘Connecting the Dots’

The decentralized web promises a more frictionless world where individuals, entities and networks can connect seamlessly. The benefits to decentralization are numerous, but knowledge of these new worlds and their availability are still in the early stages. In this series of NFTs, Decrypt and a collection of artists explore the decentralized world, helping join the dots between people, networks and the technologies that will power the internet’s next chapter.

This Season is sponsored by

Filecoin wordmark
Drop checkmark



DROP DATE: May 20, 2021

Drop checkmark

Data Pool


DROP DATE: April 16, 2021

Drop checkmark

From the Mind to the Masses

Glitch Black

DROP DATE: Mar 25, 2021

Decrypt App

Get our app for top daily crypto content and earn Tokens for Drops

ios App Store
Google Play app store
Screenshots of the Decrypt app with wallet and token balance


  1. What is a Decrypt Drop?

    A Drop is a moment in time when we release a batch of rewards to our reward store in our mobile app. Drops can only be purchased with Decrypt Tokens.

    Drops are a way for us to thank our loyal readers and introduce them to cool new concepts and products in the crypto space.

  2. What types of rewards will Drops offer?

  3. How can I claim a Drop?

  4. When / How frequent are Drops?

  5. Can I get notified about new Drops, so I don’t miss out?

  6. How do I get started?

  7. I have a great idea for a Drop. How can I help make it happen?

  8. Where can I find more info about this project?